Qseven™ is an open standard for low power cpu modules. Unlike previous Computer-On-Modules (COM) standards Qseven™ is due to its primary focus being directed towards mobile and ultra mobile applications. Due its small size of only 70mm x 70mm Qseven™ modules are also predestinated to be used in space constraint embedded and HMI applications.The main reasons for mctx to go for Qseven™ instead of competiting solutions are as follows:
-The standard is manufacturer-independent.
-Multi Vendor Support: the standard is supported by several suppliers.
-The MXM connector used for the interfacing between the Qseven™ CPU module and baseboard containing the system I/O is cheap and available from several manufacturers. This ensures long-term support.
– The overal hight of the module is very thin. This allows to built ultra-low-profile solutions.
– The concept is based on serial interfaces. This allows to use other CPU architectures than x86 (e.g. ARM™) with the same module pinout.
The Website of the Qseven™ consortium can be found here: http://www.qseven-standard.org